Monday 22 August 2011


            What it takes an eagle to fly high above the clouds when it rains?? What makes the Lion the King of the jungle ?? What makes Mahatma Gandhi the Father of our Nation??
            Its Attitude!!! They expressed their attitude at the right time and right place. Before I write an essay on attitude I need you to understand what attitude is. There are several definitions and interpretations for attitude given by great personalities.I’m gonna explain it in simple terms. ”Attitude is the outward manifestation of your inner beliefs and values”.

                Let me share some stories which i heard from my teachers, my friends, my parents, my nani,my brothers and cousins ……
                As a young scotts boy, Andrew Carnegie came to America and started doing odd jobs, He ended up as one of the largest steel manufacturers of America. At one point he had 45 millionaries working for him. Once in an interview he was faced with a question “how do you handle so many people?” He answered “Dealing with people is like digging out the gold. You find tons of dirt while searchin for one ounce of gold. But when you go digging, you don’t go lookin for the dirt, you go looking for the gold!!”
                              just Express ATTITUDE !!!

                Yashwanth, a woodcutter, worked for a company for five years and he never got a raise. The company hired a new guy srinath, who was really good at the work and got a raise in one year. Unsatisfied with his performance Yashwanth asked srinath how did he manage to cut more trees? He told “After everytree i cut, i take a break for sharpening my axe. When was the last time you sharpened your axe?”  Just hit this question to your brain n find out when did you sharpen your axe?
                                                just Express ATTITUDE !!!
                An Eagle egg was placed in a nest of a chicken. The egg hatched and the little Eagle grew up thinking it was a chicken.It did all the things the other chickens do like jumping up for few feet and eating seeds. Once it saw an Eagle flying gracefully and majestically high in the sky. He asked his parent chicken what it is? He said “It is an Eagle, an outstanding bird! but you cant fly like him cause youre just a chicken.” So the eagle never gave a second thought, believing that to be the truth. He lived a life and died like a chicken, deprieving of his heritage and his lack of vision. what a waste! He was born to win and was conditioned to lose. Never lose your hope or your lack of vision. Always fill your mind with positive energy and “you are born to win this world”  If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t,youre right.
                                               just Express ATTITUDE !!!

                     Once a doctor want to take a lecture on Alcohol and its bad effects to a group of alcoholics.Sohe got two glasses filled with water and alcohol. He dropped two worms one in each glass. The worminsidethe water swimmed and came out, but the other one inside the alcohol could’nt  swim and died. After the demonstration the Doctor asked the class what did you understand? A guy answered “Alcohol killsworms inside the stomach.”           Always count your blessings not your troubles.
           just Express ATTITUDE!!!
                For last 20 years we are rely on our parents for each and every thing. “Mummy !!wats special today?I wanna eat fish “  “Daddy !!Give me 1000 bugs I m going out with friends” ” DAD ! i need a new pair of Reebok shoes.” But now things have changed !! You are self reliant and standing on your feet. Now you have a choice to make a difference. Just surprise your parents ” Dad! i got a mobile for you ” “Mom lets go for dinner tonight” when u come home late just call them and say “Mom i m gonna be late today!” You made a decision but atleast let them know before u do something. Help a kid financially
to complete his education. He may be any kid, your watch man’s daughter or your maid’s son. 
it will make a Difference!!!
  Just express ATTITUDE !!!

                   Attitude is the most important part of our life than past , than education,than skill, than success,than failures,than circumstances,than what other people think or say or do. it is more imp than our appearance or our can make or break a company or home or nation.we cant change our past or we cant change the fact that people will act in a certain way. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regarding attitude to embrace our day .You are incharge of your Attitude.
                                                                                                            - Charles Swindell  
I strongly believe that 10% of your life is what happens to you and 90% is how you react to it .
                          just Express ATTITUDE !!!!

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